WoW Classic Naxxramas Raid Guide
Naxxramas is a 40-man raid located in the Eastern Plaguelands and serves as the final raid in World of Warcraft (WoW) Classic. It is home to Kel'Thuzad and his army and contains 15 bosses across five separate wings. Clearing Naxxramas requires a well-geared raid group and precise execution.
Navigating Naxxramas
Naxxramas is a non-linear raid, comprising multiple wings that can be entered from the start: Abomination, Death Knight, Plague, and Spider. The final bosses become available once all other bosses have been defeated. While the first four wings can be cleared in any order, the bosses within each wing must be killed in a specific sequence.
The recommended wing and boss order is:
Abomination Wing: Patchwerk > Grobbulus > Gluth > Thaddius
Plague Wing: Noth the Plaguebringer > Heigan the Unclean > Loatheb
Spider Wing: Anub'Rekhan > Grand Widow Faerlina > Maexxna
Death Knight Wing: Instructor Razuvious > Gothik the Harvester > The Four Horsemen
Frostwyrm Lair: Sapphiron > Kel'Thuzad
To begin, head to the Abomination Wing (green path) and proceed through each boss. Repeat this for the remaining wings in the following order: green, blue, orange, and purple. Afterward, use the central teleporter to access the Frostwyrm Lair. Upon defeating Sapphiron, Kel'Thuzad's chamber becomes accessible behind him.
Preparation and Entry Requirements
To access Naxxramas in WoW Classic, attunement to the Argent Dawn faction is necessary. This involves completing a questline and gathering materials like Arcane Crystals, Nexus Crystals, and Righteous Orbs, while also increasing reputation with the Argent Dawn. This process can be time-consuming, so early preparation is advised.
While there isn't a strict gear score requirement, it's recommended that players possess equipment from previous raids like Blackwing Lair or Ahn'Qiraj. Focus on acquiring gear that enhances stamina, resistances, and class-specific bonuses. You can
buy WoW Classic Gold to help with purchasing better gear.
Certain encounters, such as Sapphiron's Frost Breath, necessitate frost resistance gear. Key items include crafted Frost Resistance gear like Icebane Gauntlets and Glacial Cloak. It is also recommended to bring flasks, potions, and food buffs to improve performance. Resistance potions, especially Greater Frost Protection Potions, are invaluable for mitigating damage. You can
purchase WoW Gold Classic to buy the necessary consumables.
Class Composition
As Naxxramas is the most challenging raid in WoW Classic, having more healers than usual is beneficial, particularly for Sapphiron and Kel'Thuzad. Aim for at least 12 healers, or preferably 14 or more, for the final bosses. For Sapphiron, ensure that as many groups as possible include Paladins or Shamans for their Frost Resistance Aura/Totem.
An optimal raid composition might include:
14 Warriors (2 dedicated Tank Warriors and 6+ Warriors that can off-tank when needed, specifically for The Four Horsemen)
2 Rogues
5 Mages
3 Warlocks for Curses
2 Hunters for Tranquilizing Shot and trash pulling or kiting
6 Holy Paladins or 6 Restoration Shamans
7 Priests (all Healers)
1 Restoration Druid
While the above setup is considered optimal, Naxxramas can be cleared with a different composition as long as everyone is prepared, knows their role, and has good gear.
Boss Strategies
Naxxramas has 15 bosses, and none of them are optional. The Arachnid Quarter is considered the easiest of the wings.
Arachnid Quarter:
Anub'Rekhan: Focus on the adds before the boss. Spread out to minimize damage from Impale.
Grand Widow Faerlina: Focus on Follower adds first, mind control Worshipper adds and use their silence ability on the boss to prevent or dispel her Enrage.
Maexxna: Focus on adds, dispel poisons, assign DPS and healers to free cocooned players, and ensure the tank is topped off before Web Spray.
The other quarters have their own strategies as well, requiring knowledge of boss mechanics to succeed.